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This employee manual is a practical reference tool that will help you get to know your work environment better. It will also help you understand what is expected of you.






  • PASSION | Dedication, energy and conviction.

  • PERSEVERANCE | Persevere through obstacles in pursuit of your goals.

  • DETERMINATION | Have a strong sense of purpose and focus on a specific goal.

  • HONESTY | Honesty, integrity, and fairness to all.

  • RESPECT | Be considerate and respectful of people, the environment and company assets.





Passionately offer products and services that attract, retain and surprise our customers by their innovations.




1. EMPLOYER | Les Sommets 


1.1 For this manual purposes, the employer operates les Sommets which include Sommet Saint-Sauveur, Sommet Saint-Sauveur versant Avila, Sommet Olympia, Sommet Gabriel, Sommet Morin Heights and Sommet Edelweiss.


1.2 The employer's role is to manage the business in a manner that ensures healty management. To achieve such results, it is necessary to establish policies and regulations that will foster the creation and maintenance of a climate of mutual trust and real cooperation between employees and the employer.






2.1 Due to the very nature of the services and products offered by the company and in order to marry the economic imperatives of the company with the needs of the customer, it was necessary to determine different employee statuses, on which benefits are determined.


Depending on your work schedule and the length of your employment with us, your status is:


Employee on probation

  • The employee is submitted to a 60 work day probation period. During probation period, the employer reserves the right to terminate the employee's employment at any time.

  • Any employee requested to work on a seasonal basis, who is laid off for lack of work before the end of his probation period, will be able, if rehired, to accumulate work days and thus complete his or her probation period the following season.


Full-time regular employee

  • Employee who has completed his or her probation period and who (normally) provides his services all year round and who is usually scheduled for the normal work week of the department for which he or she is hired.


Part-time regular employee

  • Employee who has completed his or her probation period and normally provides his services all year round and who is usually scheduled for less than the normal work week of the department for which he or she is hired.


Seasonal full-time employee (winter and summer)

  • Employee who has completed his or her probation period and normally provides his services during the winter or summer seasons, based on the normal work week of the department for which they are hired.


Seasonal part-time (winter and summer)

  • An employee who has completed his or her probation period and whose services are normally required, either during the winter or summer season, for less than the normal work week of the department for which he or she is hired.


Occasional worker

  • An employee whose services are required on an on-call basis or who works only one day (or less) per week. No privileges are granted.





3.1 The employer may create and eliminate positions. If a position is newly created or becomes vacant and the employer decides to fill it, any person wishing to apply must go through the Human Resources Department, subject to sections 3.7 and 3.8.


The employer reserves the right to post or not post certain internal positions.


Vacant position will be posted for five (5) working days.


The posting document will indicate at least the following:

  • Posting date

  • department

  • Title of the position, status and number of positions

  • Normal requirements for the job


3.2 With equal competence, the position will be awarded to the employee with the most seniority who fulfils the normal requirements of the function.


3.3 If the position is still vacant after posting, the company will proceed with external recruitment.


3.4 An employee whose application mentioned above has been selected, shall be granted a 60-day probationary period. At the end of the probationary period, the employee will be assessed and confirmed, as appropriate, in their new duties if they meet the requirements. The employer may decide to extend the probationary period.


3.5 An employee who obtains a new position will receive the new employee’s pay rate.


3.6 The employer may decide to return the employee to his or her former position if the employee does not meet the requirements of the position before the end of the probationary period. The employee will return to the position and salary he held prior to the promotion.


3.7 The employer will prioritise employees’ internal promotion, therefore vacant positions that can be filled by regular or seasonal full-time employees in the same department will not be posted.


3.8 Notwithstanding this provision, no posting will be made for the massive start-of-season hiring.






4.1 Employee on probation


Company seniority is acquired once an employee has completed their probationary period. When he has thus completed his probationary period, his date of seniority is retroactive to his first day of service.


4.2 All employees


Company seniority shall accrue from the employee’s first working day with the employer or one of the undertakings he has acquired. It will be used to determine the annual leave allowance, vacation period and privileges granted based on status and years of service. Lay-off and return to work will be done taking into account the employee’s status during the previous two (2) seasons in the same department and company seniority.


4.3 Employee wishing to work at another station


An employee will be able to ask for a transfer to another station for an entire season under the following conditions:

    • The desired position must be vacant.

    • Company seniority will be used to determine the candidate’s selection as long as he or she meets the requirements of the position.

    • At the time of transfer, the seniority date then applied, for the purpose of lay-off and return to work of the candidate, will be the date of merger of the Stations of the Vallée de Saint-Sauveur (now Les Sommets), that being November 1st, 1996, and for the Vallée d’Edelweiss Station, (now Les Sommets Edelweiss) the date of purchase either being February 1st, 2000 or the date of hire of the employee if it is later than the above mentioned dates.

    • If the employee wishes to return to their original station the following season, the recognized seniority will then be as specified in section 4.2.


4.4 The employee automatically looses his seniority and his employment in these following situations:

  • If he or she voluntarily leaves his or her employment.

  • If laid off for cause.

  • If absent from work, without just cause, for a period of three (3) consecutive working days.

  • If no work benefit is provided for 12 months.





5.1 Employer reserves the right to transfer an employee to another position.


The employee so transferred will retain his or her salary if the deployment is less than or equal to three (3) weeks or will receive the most favourable salary between his or her salary and the salary of the new position if the deployment is for more than three (3) weeks.






6.1 An employee demotion can be done at his or her request or by disciplinary measures. The demoted employee will receive the salary within the salary range of the demoted position.






7.1 In the case of lay-offs, the employer shall determine for each station and department the workstations at which lay-offs are to be carried out.


7.2 Employees on probation, part-time and casual will be the first to be laid off.


7.3 For full-time seasonal workers, company seniority is the determining factor (see Article 4.2), provided that they are able to meet the normal job requirements immediately and/or have specific knowledge related to this position.


7.4 For full-time seasonal employees who have transferred from one station to another, the seniority applied for the purpose of lay-off shall be that provided for in section 4.3.


7.5 In a situation where labour is to be reduced in an area of operation, the employer will do everything in its power to relocate an employee rather than lay off an employee.






8.1 All seasonal employees must advise the employer of their interest in returning to work the following season by completing a return-to-work online form sent by Human Resources during the subsequent periods:

  • for winter season: before October 15th

  • for summer season: before April 30th


8.2 If the employee has not expressed an interest in returning to work within the periods specified above, the employee will be deemed to have voluntarily left his or her employment and Article 4.4 will apply to the employee.


8.3 The re-hiring date from one season to another is according the Article 4.2.


8.4 An employee who wishes to return to his or her former position will be assigned to that position if it still exists.


8.5 An employee who wishes to occupy another position at the same station shall be granted the said position subject to the following conditions:

  • If the position is vacant.

  • If the employee has sufficient company seniority and meets the requirements of the position.

  • For an employee who wishes to be assigned to another station, the provisions of Article 4.3 will apply.





9.1 Since the company’s operations depend on climatic conditions, working hours will vary in the different work units.


As a result, the company cannot guarantee at any time and regardless of your status, a certain number of hours of work per week or a minimum of weeks of work for the season. The company’s activities continue seven (7) days per week, including statutory holidays.


An employee who reports for work at the request of the employer in the ordinary course of his or her functions on a scheduled shift of more than three (3) hours and who works less than three (3) consecutive hours on the same day, is entitled to compensation equal to three (3) hours of his or her regular hourly rate, with the exception of ski instructors whose nature of work or working conditions require more than one attendance for less than three (3) hours.


9.2 The employer may, if necessary, change work schedules during events beyond the employer’s control the employer can modify, as needed, the work schedule.


An employee who reports for work at the request of the employer in the ordinary course of his or her functions on a scheduled shift of more than three (3) hours and who works less than three (3) consecutive hours on the same day, is entitled to compensation equal to three (3) hours of his or her regular hourly rate, with the exception of ski instructors whose nature of work or working conditions require more than one attendance for less than three (3) hours.


9.3 The employer may, if necessary, change work schedules during events beyond the employer’s control the employer can modify, as needed, the work schedule.


9.4 The employee must be at his or her workstation and ready to perform his or her duties at the beginning of his or her shift.


9.5 When the temperature makes the opening or continuation of operations uncertain (i.e. rain, ice, etc.), you are responsible for contacting your immediate supervisor before going to the station to confirm your schedule.

  • Les Sommets | (450) 227-4671 ou (514) 871-0101

  • Sommet Edelweiss | (819) 459-2328


9.6 It is the responsibility of employees to review and comply with work schedules. Any employee who wishes to obtain a schedule change must obtain the approval of their immediate manager one week in advance.


In order to control and count the hours worked in certain departments, the use of the punch card is required. The employee must swipe their card into the punch to record their arrival at work and their departure. Any negligence must be explained to the immediate supervisor. Fraud involving the use of time stamp cards will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.






10.1 For purposes of calculating overtime, the normal work week for all employees has been 40 hours since 01-10-2000, except for employees in the administrative sector which is 37.5 hours.


Any work performed, at the request of the Employer, in addition to the hours referred to in section 10.1, as the case may be, shall be considered overtime and shall result in an increase of 50% in the employee’s usual salary. All overtime hours must be pre-authorized by the immediate supervisor.


Upon agreement with the employee’s superior, the employee may elect to compensate overtime hours on time. Each hour thus accumulated will allow one and a half hours of paid leave.


All accumulated hours must be taken within a period of three (3) months, failing which they will be remunerated. The timing of the resumption must be agreed between the employee and the employee’s manager.






All employees of les Sommets have an obligation of loyalty to the company, whether at work, off the job or on the Internet. Therefore, any information provided by an employee against the interests of his or her employer constitutes a breach of the obligation of loyalty. Freedom of expression must be exercised with respect for others and the company. Any wrongful employee is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.






12.1 An employee who is authorized to leave his or her workstation is entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal period, except for office employees who are granted a 60-minute unpaid period. All employees that are authorized to leave their work station are in title to non a 30 minutes’ meal period.


Any employee who is unable to leave his or her position as required by the Employer shall be entitled to a paid meal period of thirty (30) minutes.






13.1 If you are the victim of an accident during working involving or not involving a work stoppage, you must:

  • Immediately notify your immediate supervisor, who will complete an investigation and analysis report with you. He will also give you a temporary assignment form that you must have completed by your doctor.

  • After consulting your doctor, you should report to the OHS Manager at the Human Resources office located at the Sommet Saint-Sauveur on the Avila side or for the employees of Edelweiss, at your immediate supervisor. This person will complete the appropriate forms with you. You must then give him your medical certificate and your temporary assignment form.

  • So, when your doctor authorizes modified or lighter work, you will be assigned to a temporary job.


    • DAY OF THE ACCIDENT 100% of your salary

    • 14 FOLLOWING DAYS 90 % of you net salary

    • FOLLOWING DAYS the CSST continues to pay you 90% of your salary, you must obtain the "Worker’s claim" form from the person in charge, complete it, and send it to the CSST.

    • TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT 100 % of your salary.


If you are able to resume your employment, before the date of return scheduled by the doctor, you must obtain from the doctor, a new medical certificate authorizing you to resume your usual employment and to give it to the person responsible for the OSH file on the day of your return.


NOTE:  This procedure must also be applied in cases of preventive withdrawal of the pregnant worker.






14.1 Are considered as being holidays:

  • January 1st

  • Easter Monday

  • Monday preceding Monday May 25

  • National Day

  • July 1st

  • 1st Monday of September

  • 2nd Monday of October

  • December 25

All employees subject to the Labour Standards Act are eligible to receive compensation for each holiday.


The employee required to work on a holiday, receives:

  • salary for hours worked and,

  • at the employer’s discretion, an allowance equals 1/20 of the salary earned during the 4 complete weeks of pay preceding the week of the leave, excluding overtime, or compensatory leave equal to the value of 1/20 referred to above. Where applicable, for the regular employee, the leave may be taken within three weeks preceding or following that day and for the full-time seasonal employee, only within the next three weeks, with the exception of the National Holiday, where the leave must be taken on the working day preceding or following the holiday.

The employee who is not required to work on a holiday receives;

  • an allowance equal to 1/20 of salary earned in the 4 full weeks preceding the week of leave, excluding overtime.


14.2 When a holiday falls during an employee’s annual vacation period, the holiday will be added to the employee’s vacation or deferred to a later date after agreement with the immediate manager.


To be entitled to get paid for a holiday, you must:

  • not have been absent from work, without the employer’s permission or without a valid reason, on the working day (for the employee), before or after the holiday.

  • have worked a minimum of one (1) or more days in the 4 weeks preceding the holiday week.





15.1 The employee is entitled to annual vacation in proportion to his or her years of service. The reference year is the 12-month period from 1 May of a year to 30 April of the following year.

  • The employee is entitled to annual vacation in proportion to his or her years of service. The reference year is the 12-month period from 1 May of a year to 30 April of the following year.

  • The employee is entitled to annual vacation in proportion to his or her years of service. The reference year is the 12-month period from May 1st of a year to April 30th of the following year.

  • The employee is entitled to annual vacation in proportion to his or her years of service. The reference year is the 12-month period from May 1st of a year to April 30th of the following year.

  • The employee who has completed 10 years of service on May 1st is entitled to 20 days of annual vacation. Vacation pay will be 8% of salary earned during the reference period.

  • The employee who is already granted vacation leave of two (2) weeks shall, upon request, be entitled to additional annual leave, without pay, equal to the number of days required to extend his annual leave to three weeks.

  • This additional leave may not be continuous to the two (2) weeks of vacation entitlement. It may not be divided or replaced by compensatory allowances.


15.2 Annual vacations must be taken in the year immediately following the reference year. However, at the request of the employee (regardless of status) and with the employer’s consent, annual vacation may be taken in advance provided the amount of vacation reserve already accrued covers this period.


15.3 An employee whose vacation period is more than one (1) week may, by agreement with his superior, split his annual vacation leave. He must then complete an authorization form provided for this purpose.


15.4 The moment of vacation must be agreed upon between the superior and the employee.


15.5 The employer may limit in any department the number of employees who may take their annual vacation at the same time.


15.6 Pay to a regular full-time employee for vacation purposes shall be paid in the most advantageous following manner:

  • 4%, 6% ou 8%, as applicable, of the gross salary earned during the reference year OR

  • employee’s regular salary for vacation duration.


15.7 At the end of employment, an employee receives 4%, 6% or 8% of the gross salary earned in the reference year, in addition to the vacation pay earned in the previous reference year that was not taken.


15.8 Additional holiday without pay

  • An employee who has completed more than ten (10) years of service on May 1 will be granted an additional 1 to 4 weeks of leave without pay.

  • The timing of the vacation must be agreed upon between the immediate manager and the employee, and must not result in a major constraint of the operations.

  • An employee who has been granted leave without pay may reapply after a period of 5 years.





For the purpose of miscellaneous leave, the definition of spouse is one of the following:

  1. Who are bound by a marriage or civil union and cohabit

  2. Of different sex or same sex, living maritally and are parents of the same child.

  3. Of different sex or same sex, living maritally for at least one full year.


16.1 An employee who is actively at work is entitled to be absent without loss of pay for the following reasons and periods of time:

  • Birth:

    • Five (5) working days upon the birth of the child or adoption of a child. The first two days of absence are paid and the other three days are unpaid.

  • Wedding:

    • Two (2) working days upon marriage or civil union.

    • One (1) working day on marriage or civil union of one of his or her children.

  • Death:

    • Five (5) working days upon death of spouse, child or spouse’s child, mother or father.

    • Three (3) working days upon death of brother, sister or grand children.

    • Two (2) working days upon death of mother-in-law and father-in-law.

    • One (1) working day on the death of his brother-in-law, his sister-in-law, his son-in-law, his daughter-in-law, his grandparents.


Proof of the event may be required. The employee must advise his or her immediate supervisor.


16.2 Election: The time required to exercise the right to vote in a federal, provincial or municipal election as provided by law.


16.3 Regular full-time employees will be granted one (1) mobile day per year, which may be taken between May 1 and April 30 upon agreement with the immediate manager. This day cannot be postponed to the following year.


16.4 An employee who has completed his probation period and is actively at work is entitled to be absent without pay for the following reasons:

  • Witness or juror: Necessary time to act as a witness or juror.

  • The employee will advise his or her immediate supervisor as soon as possible after receiving the subpoena. A court officer’s certificate of service may be required.





17.1 Sick leave is paid at the rate of one-half (1/2) day per month worked for regular and full-time employees.


Part-time seasonal employees who have been employed for at least 3 months will be paid for the first 2 days they are absent for any of the following reasons:


  • Non-work-related accident or illness

  • Family or parental obligations related to the care, health, or education of your child or your spouse's child

  • Obligations familiales à titre de natural caregivers to a family member or other person whose medical condition requires it

  • Organ or tissue donation

  • Domestic or sexual violence or crime


Part-time seasonal employees are entitled to a total of 2 paid holidays per calendar year (January 1 through December 31), which may not be carried over from year to year or replaced by compensatory time off.


The law does not provide for the splitting of paid time off in the event of illness or accident.


17.2 Any absence due to illness must be recorded on the employee’s file. The employer reserves the right to require a medical certificate for any sickness absence. Sick leave with pay begins on the employee’s first day of absence.


17.3 The employer may request that the employee be seen by a doctor designated by the company for a medical exam to confirm reason of absence.






18.1 Pregnant employee is entitled to a maternity leave without pay for a maximum period of 18 consecutive weeks. This maternity leave may not begin until the 16th week before the expected date of birth and ends no later than 18 weeks after the week of birth.


In addition, the father or mother is entitled to parental leave without pay of up to fifty-two (52) continuous weeks. This leave may be consecutive to maternity leave or there may be a return to work between maternity leave and parental leave. The leave may begin no earlier than the week of the birth of the newborn and may end no later than 70 weeks after the birth of the newborn.


An employee whose spouse has given birth is entitled to unpaid paternity leave of up to five (5) weeks, to be taken within fifty-two (52) weeks of the birth. However, this leave may be split at the request of the employee and with the consent of the employer.


In order to be entitled to maternity and parental leave, the employee must notify the Human Resources Department in writing three (3) weeks prior to the commencement of the leave. This notice must indicate the start date of the leave and the return to work date. In addition, the notification must be accompanied by a medical certificate attesting to the pregnancy and the expected date of delivery.


The pregnant employee may take time off work for pregnancy-related examinations and may use their sick leave, if applicable. She must advise her immediate supervisor of her absences as soon as possible.


At the end of maternity, paternity or parental leave, the employee will be reinstated to his or her regular position with the same benefits to which he or she would have been entitled had he or she remained at work.


If the employee’s regular position no longer exists upon his/her return, the company will recognize all of the rights and privileges that he/she would have had at the time of the loss of the position had he/she remained at work.


An employee who does not report for work on the return date set out in the above notices is deemed to have resigned.






Regular and full time seasonal employee


19.1 Upon agreement with the Employer, the Employer agrees to reimburse any regular employee, for courses relevant to the employment, 100% of the registration and examination fees, where applicable, and 50% of the course material upon presentation of receipts, accompanied by proof of successful completion of the courses. One course by session is refundable.


19.2 After agreement with the Employer, the Employer agrees to reimburse, for courses relevant to the employment, any full-time seasonal employee who has completed at least three seasons of employment, a refund in the following terms: 1/3 at the time of course completion, 1/3 at the end of the following season and 1/3 at the end of the second season following course completion. Courses will be reimbursed at the rate of one course per working season.


19.3 All courses offered by a public school recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Education, as well as the Level III and IV qualification stages given by the Alliance des moniteurs de ski, are eligible.


In order to obtain a refund, the employee must complete the “Request for Funds – Development” form available in the Human Resources department and must be employed at the time of the request. Form must be approved by immediate manager. Each request will be reviewed subject to budget availability.






20.1 The Company is committed to ensuring compliance with the policies and regulations in force at Les Sommets for all employees in a fair and equitable manner and expects each employee to comply with the said policies and regulations.

  • It is the responsibility of each employee to attempt to resolve any disputes associated with their work with their immediate supervisor as soon as they arise. The immediate supervisor must respond to the employee within five (5) working days.

  • If the dispute persists, the employee is encouraged to refer the subject matter of the dispute directly to the Director of Human Resources or one of their advisors. The Human Resources Director will provide a response within fifteen (15) working days.






Sexual and/or psychological harassment is a violation of a human rights. Consequently, the employer undertakes to take all necessary measures to avoid this violation and to take any necessary corrective measures.






The company has an obligation and a commitment to enforce the law in force since December 1999, that is, a ban on smoking or vaping in all departments, offices, service areas, employee rooms, washrooms, bars, company vehicles, etc.






All personnel are prohibited from possessing, consuming, distributing or selling any type of alcohol or drug, in any form whatsoever, on all Summits properties and company vehicles.


It is also prohibited for all staff to report and/or be at work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Any wrongful employee is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.


Employees over the age of majority can consume alcohol in a reasonable manner at the various points of sale in the company outside of working hours.






24.1 Except in cases of serious misconduct, the procedure for breach of discipline will be as follows:


1st offense:

Verbal warning

2nd offense:

Written warning

3rd offense:

Suspension (number of days varies with severity)

4th offense:

Termination of employment


However, as each case is analysed, it is possible that the procedure may differ.






25.1 If your job requires the wearing of a uniform and/or equipment specific to the performance of your work, some may be provided by the company and you will be responsible for ensuring its cleanliness and good condition.

  • Upon employee departure, uniforms, equipment, cash, etc. must be returned to the appropriate locations.




26. EMPLOYEE PASS (excluding occasional employees)


26.1 When you are hired, you will be provided with an employee pass showing your photo, last name and first name. When you are on duty, this card must always be in your possession.


26.2 This card entitles you to the privileges based on your employee status. Please note that to be entitled to any privileges, you must present your employee pass in advance. Any abuse of privileges will result in disciplinary action, even loss of employment.


26.3 Any employee who must have their employee pass replaced due to damage or loss will have to pay a sum of money for the costs incurred.


26.4 This employee pass is valid for one season only. A new card will be issued upon your return the following season. However, if you quit your job or are fired during the season, you must give your employee card and family ski passes back to the Human Resources Department.






27.1 Any employee hired or granted a regular full-time position will be eligible for group insurance after three (3) months.






28.1 The program is designed to recognize and thank the contributions of each of our employees by referring qualified candidates who fit our culture.



How it works


The new candidate must provide the name of the referrer (the employee who referred them) in the "Referral" section at the bottom of the online application form.


Maximum one referral per application; however, an employee may refer more than one candidate.





For helping us find the best talent, the employee who refers a candidate will receive a Les Sommets gift card up to $250:

  • $50 for referring a part-time seasonal position (less than 32 hours/week)

  • $100 for referrals related to a full-time seasonal position (32 hours/week or more)

  • $250 for referring a full-time, year-round position


Certain conditions apply.

Employee declaration


Please print, complete, sign and return the following document to to [email protected] before your first day of work.



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Attestation manuel employé